It’s World Ocean Day on 8th June 2024!  Established  in 2008, this global event is celebrated annually to honour, protect, and conserve the world’s oceans. Oceans play a crucial role in all our lives, from regulating the climate and providing oxygen, to supporting a diverse range of marine life. World Ocean Day aims to raise awareness about the threats oceans face, such as pollution, overfishing, and climate change, and to inspire individuals and communities alike to take action for sustainable ocean management. World Ocean Day encourages everyone to contribute to a healthier, more sustainable future for our oceans whether that be through making better, more sustainable choices, educational activities, community events, and advocacy – or a mix of all four!

Ocean pollution is one of the most pressing environmental issues of our time, threatening marine life, human health, and the planet’s ecosystems. However, the power to combat this crisis lies not just in the hands of governments and organisations, but also within each individual. Here are some actionable steps one person can take to make a significant impact on reducing ocean pollution.


Reduce, Reuse, Recycle

Reduce Plastic Use

Plastic pollution is a major contributor to ocean contamination. Each year, millions of tons of plastic waste end up in the ocean, harming wildlife and marine habitats. By consciously reducing plastic use, you can help decrease this pollution.  For example, instead of single-use plastic bags, use reusable cloth bags for shopping (these also make a fantastic promotional giveaway for expos and events!)  Use a refillable water bottle to cut down on plastic waste (we love the Ocean Bottle and Prevented Ocean Plastic ranges for the additional work those companies do within coastal communities). Refuse to use plastic straws as these are partciularly harmful to marine life.  Instead, opt for metal or bamboo alternatives.


Reuse Items

Before discarding items, think about how they can be reused. This minimises waste and reduces the demand for new (or “virgin”) plastic products. Repurpose Jars and Containers for storage rather than buying new containers. Instead of throwing away old clothes, donate them or find new uses, or sell them on sites such as Vinted and make yourself some extra spends to boot!


Recycle Properly

Recycling reduces the amount of waste that ends up in the ocean. Familiarise yourself with local recycling guidelines and ensure you’re sorting your waste correctly. Remeber to keep paper, plastic, and glass sorted according to your local recycling program. Pay attention to which type of plastic is used and whether it is recyclable or not; not all plastics are recyclable. Be aware of your local recycling centres – if you don’t know, look it up: Where Can I Recycle Near Me?


Ocean pollution is one of the most pressing environmental issues of our time


Participate in Clean-Up Activities

Joining or organising beach and waterway clean-up events can directly remove pollutants from the ocean environment.  Many organisations host regular beach clean-up events. Join these efforts to make a tangible impact whether it be locally or somewhere further afield. For those who scuba dive, the Dive Against Debris movement organise underwater clean-up dives.  These can help remove waste from the ocean floor. Make yourself aware of what is happening in your local area.


Educate and Advocate

Raising awareness and advocating for policy changes can amplify your impact beyond personal actions, and we take our corporate responsibility very seriously in this regard.  Use your social media in a positive way; share information about ocean pollution and how others can help. Create informative posts, share articles, and promote clean-up events.  You can also talk to your friends and family about the issues that concern you – start those conversations to get people thinking and raise their awareness.  By doing this, you can encourage those around you to adopt more sustainable habits and reduce their plastic use.


Support Legislation

Keep up with local and national legislation regarding ocean protection and pollution prevention.  By staying informed, you can use your vote and communications with your local MP to tell them what really matters to their constituents.  Write to your local representatives to ask them to support policies that aim to reduce ocean pollution.


Support Sustainable Products and Companies

One of the easiest ways you can engineer change is by being selective over what you spend your money on and who you spend it with.  Choose to buy from companies that prioritise sustainability and environmental responsibility like  Reach out to business like ourselves for advice on choosing products made from sustainable materials and packaged in biodegradable or recyclable materials.  You can support companies committed to reducing their environmental impact by sharing their posts, engaging on their pages and recommending them to others!  It doesn’t have to all be action that costs money.


Make Sustainable Choices

You can make better, sustainable choice daily.  Everything from what you eat to how you travel can impact the environment. One big change you can make is choosing responsibility and sustainably sourced seafood.  Look for certifications such as MSC (Marine Stewardship Council) or ASC (Aquaculture Stewardship Council), and check out the Sustainable Food Trust to see which are the most sustainable seafoods in the UK.  Reducing overall seafood consumption can lessen the pressure on marine ecosystems as well.


Reduce Carbon Footprint

Reducing car use can decrease pollution that eventually ends up in the oceans. Walk or ride a bike whenever you can.  (Your body will thank you, too!) You could also consider a switch to electric or hybrid car.   If possible, switch to energy providers that use renewable sources like wind or solar. If you are in a position to, you may also want to consider installation of solar panels.



Each small action contributes to a larger collective action, moving towards a healthier ocean. By reducing virgin plastic use, participating in clean-ups, educating others, supporting sustainable businesses, and making conscious daily choices, you can play a vital role in combating ocean pollution. Remember, every effort counts, and collectively, we can make significant strides in preserving our oceans for future generations.


Want to talk to us about elevating your sustainability practices?  Get in touch now to discuss our eco-options by calling us on 01772 429111 or by emailing us at